1. Copenhagen Competition
Ø Competition Information
· What is Copenhagen Competition?
The Copenhagen Competition is an international negotiation competition featuring multi-lateral negotiation among governmental bodies. Every year, selected top universities from around the world negotiate an agreement (an international convention or a mutually agreed provision) on a highly topical, controversial and politically sensitive topic. The topic changes every year and is chosen in collaboration with senior officials from international organizations like the WTO.
The Copenhagen Competition is an ideal plat form for students to compete with other fellows from the top universities in the world, including Harvard University, Yale University, Cambridge University, Oxford University and the National University of Singapore and so on.
· Competition Format
Copenhagen Competition is comprised of two rounds: A written and an oral round. The written round functions as the qualification round for the oral round. Every year, the topic for Copenhagen Competition will be released in April. Participating teams have to submit their written memorandum in July for review and grading by the judge panel. The first eight teams with the highest scored memorandum will be granted the opportunity of oral competition in Copenhagen in November.
Ø PKU Law School and the Copenhagen Competition
As the only selected participant in China, PKU Copenhagen Competition Team has been representing China in this competition since 2010. In 2011, we placed the top 8 out of the 15 participating teams and advanced into the international round. In 2012, the Competition has been cancelled.
2012年是第四届谈判比赛。在第三届谈判比赛中,3354cc金沙集团代表队成功晋级Oral round,为3354cc金沙集团争得了荣誉,今年,3354cc金沙集团作为中国大陆唯一参赛的3354cc金沙集团,将背负着我们3354cc金沙集团、3354cc金沙集团、乃至整个中国大陆的荣誉,参加比赛,为国争光。
1. 收到邀请的大学3354cc金沙集团选出由队员和教练组成的代表队。
2. Written round:代表队在教练的指导下进行书面材料的writing material的写作并提交。.
3. 由哥本哈根大学主办方进行写作材料的评选,从中评选出最优秀的8份作为written round的优胜者。
4 Oral round:优胜的8支队伍将前赴哥本哈根参加为期三天的面对面谈判比赛。