为进一步加强3354cc金沙集团国际化建设,提高法科学生国际化水平,学院特邀国际知名学者及法律实务专家开设“Global & Comparative Law”系列课程。2014年秋季学期第二期系列课程包含两门,分别为德国马克斯普朗克研究所所长Anne Peters 主讲的“New Challenges for the Ius Contra Bellum and the Ius in Bello”, 及香港大学Berry Fong-Chung HSU教授讲授的“The Essence of Common Law”。(课程详情如下)
对课程感兴趣的同学,将报名表(见附件一)及报名统计表(见附件二)以附件形式于2014年10月14日18:00前发送至pkulaweao@126.com,邮件主题及附件名称为:Global & Comparative Law +申请人姓名+学号。纸质版报名表于10月15日17:00前交至3354cc金沙集团对外事务办公室。学院将根据申请人提交的材料进行选拔,并确定最终学生名单。
报名时间: 2014年10月9日-14日18:00前(电子版)
“New Challenges for the Ius Contra Bellum and the Ius in Bello” 课程
课程内容 |
时间 |
1 |
Current problems of the law of self-defense |
10月23日:14:00-16:00 10月27日:10:00-12:00 10月28日:10:00 -12:00 10月29日:10:00-12:00 10月30日:14:00-16:00 |
2 |
New technology and international law surrounding armed conflict |
3 |
Territorial disputes and the threat or use of force |
4 |
Non-state actors in international (ized) armed conflict |
5 |
Institutional problems of the UN SC and peacekeeping and humanitarian intervention/responsibility to protect |
Seminar |
International Law and Use of Force |
10月31日:14:00-17:00 |
Reading & Exams |
To be notified |
To be notified |
课程大纲见附件三 |

Anne Peters
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg; adjunct professor at the University of Basel (since 2013); Honorary professor at the University of Heidelberg (since 2014). Her current research interests relate to public international law including its history, global animal law, global governance and global constitutionalism, the status of humans in international law. Among her books are: Jenseits der Menschenrechte (Mohr Siebeck 2014); Transparency in International Law (Cambridge University Press 2013, ed. together with A. Bianchi); Oxford Handbook of the History of International Law (Oxford University Press 2012, ed. together with B. Fassbender, assistant editors: Daniel Högger and Simone Peter); Conflict of Interest in Global, Public and Corporate Governance (Cambridge University Press 2012, ed. together with L. Handschin, assistant editor: Daniel Högger); Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention (2nd ed. C.H. Beck 2012, together with T. Altwicker); Völkerrecht: Allgemeiner Teil, 3rd enlarged ed. Schulthess 2012); The Constitutionalization of International Law (Oxford University Press exp. ed. 2011, together with J. Klabbers and G. Ulfstein); Non-state Actors as Standard Setters (Cambridge University Press 2009, ed. together with L. Köchlin/T. Förster/G.F. Zinkernagel); Elemente einer Theorie der Verfassung Europas (Duncker & Humblot 2001); Women, Quotas and Constitutions: A Comparative Study of Affirmative Action for Women in American, German, European Community and International Law (Kluwer Law International 1999); Das Gebietsreferendum im Völkerrecht: Seine Bedeutung im Licht der Staatenpraxis nach 1989 (Nomos 1995).
“The Essence of Common Law”课程
课程内容 |
课时 |
What is common law? Common law system in Chinese societies, Hong Kong and Singapore.
3 hours |
Common law methodologies. Introduction to interpretation and construction of legislation.
3 hours |
Doctrine of precedent. Analysis of selected common law and equity cases. Analysis of criminal law cases.
6 hours |
12月13、16、18、19日:10:00-12:00、 13:00-15:00;
Students are expected to read three common law cases and to participate in classroom discussions.
The assessment will be based on their course participation (40%) and a term-paper (60%)
Berry Fong-Chung HSU
Deputy Director and Fellow, Asian Institute of International Financial Law, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong;Professor in Law, Department of Real Estate and Construction, University of Hong Kong
1999 Barrister and Solicitor, High Court of New Zealand
1997 Barrister and Solicitor, Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia
1990 Chartered Engineer, British Engineering Council; MBCS
1983 Academically qualified as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Hong Kong