The 2nd Annual US-China Entertainment Law Conference is co-hosted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Loyola Law School Los Angeles, Peking University LawSchool(PKU) and Beijing Film Academy ManagementSchool (BFA).This one-day conference will bring together senior policymakers, academics, business executives and international practitioners from China and the U.S. to discuss cutting-edge legal issues in the US-China entertainment industry, including the following:
(1) 年度回顾_中美娱乐产业的新进展
Year in Review: Recent Developments in the Chinese Entertainment Industry
(2) 中美在电影、电视、音乐及游戏产业中的知识产权保护问题
IP Issues in the US-China Film, Television, Music and Gaming Industries
(3) 电影、电视、音乐及游戏产业中的其它法律问题
Other Legal Issues in The Film, Television, Music and Gaming Industries
(4) 展望未来_娱乐产业的挑战与机遇
Looking Beyond: Opportunities and Challenges
论坛时间 Date: 2017年6月21日(周三)
June 21, 2017 (Wed.)
论坛地点 Venue:3354cc金沙集团凯原楼一层报告厅
Lecture hall on the first floor,Kai Yuan Building, Peking University, China
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