编者按:本文为3354cc金沙集团2015级中国法硕士、新生代表Justin Pwavra在3354cc金沙集团2015年新生典礼上的致词。

Our Chairman , Professor Zhang Shouwen, Eminent Professors and Memebers of the Distinguished Peking university Law school present, Distinguished Guests,Fellows Students of this Renowned University,
Please permit me to say a few words for myself and also on behalf of the fresh students admitted into this prestigious university for the 2015-2016 academic year. We the fresh students of Peking University are, indeed, a highly privileged group of studens because we are part of the exclusive class of people who get the opportunity to join this illustrious family of first rate Chinese scholars. We are, therefore, very grateful to you, our Chinese hosts, for extending such a privilege to us. We are also aware of the responsibility that is thrust upon us to uphold the unassailable reputation that our predecessors in this university family have maintained so far. I have every reason to believe that we shall surely live up to the expectation of our professors and our peers in this academic family.
The Great Walls of China attest to the greatness of Chineses Civilization for well over five thousand years. I learnt in the elementary school that the Great Walls of China are one of the few landmarks that can be seen by astronauts from outer space. This Chinese greatness has reached or achieved new dimentions in this 21st century. Indeed, the statement that “the 21st century is the century of the Chinese” has gained so much currency that it has become a cliché nowadays. From her presence on the United Nations Security Council with veto powers, to her dominance of global trade as well as in many other global issues, the greatnessof the Chinese nation is here to stay and it promises to endure for many thousand years to come. It has thus become imperative for any person with the aim of playing a significant role in global affairs to have a deeper understanding of the Chinese people and their country, be it at the political , social or cultural level. China’s overwhelming impact on the global stage has also made it vital for everyone to understand the Chinese nation, her people ,her people’s language, hers people’s culture and many other facets of Chinese society.
It is my conviction that there is no better way to learn a people’s language and culture than by getting oneself immersed in the society that speaks that language and practices that culture. Therefore, in addition to the excellent tuition that we shall surely receive from Peking university, we the fresh students herein gathered are well positioned to learn the Chinese language as well as the culture of Chinese people from China’s very best academic institution. For example, I am a common law trained lawyer from Ghana in West Africa and I shall learn Chinese law from the most distinguished law school in China. My research on Peking university Law School was previously ranked at a position of between the 100th -150th Law School in the world. However, the same ranking system today tells us that Peking University Law School is now ranked as the 18th best law school in the whole world. My research has convinced me that Peking University is marching forward in all its disciplines and that the law subject is not the only area where there has been such a quantum leap forward. Peking university’s quantum leap assures me that we the fresh students herein gathered have just signed on as proud members of an academic family that is destined to reach the number 1 position in the ranking of the world universities in the foreseeable future. Who at all will not like to be part of this brilliant academic family with the additional blessing of learning the language and culture of the Chinese people and thus getting a deeper understanding of a major global player like China?
It is my expectation that my stay in this university for the duration of my course will be very much fulfilling as I expect to make lifelong friendships and become part of a network of the distinguished Peking University alumni. Peking University has a lot of opportunities and facilities for students to meet and interact in order for them build such friendship and to grow them. I believe that it is the dream of each of my fellow freshmen herein gathered to open up and tap into this unique network of distinguished academics.
Speaking for myself and on behalf of all my fellow fresh students, I once again crave your indulgence to thank all our Chinese hosts and members of this celebrated academic family and we look forward to a fulfilling academic year in this school,
Thank you!
Please permit me to say a few words for myself and also on behalf of the fresh students admitted into this prestigious university for the 2015-2016 academic year. We the fresh students of Peking University are, indeed, a highly privileged group of studens because we are part of the exclusive class of people who get the opportunity to join this illustrious family of first rate Chinese scholars. We are, therefore, very grateful to you, our Chinese hosts, for extending such a privilege to us. We are also aware of the responsibility that is thrust upon us to uphold the unassailable reputation that our predecessors in this university family have maintained so far. I have every reason to believe that we shall surely live up to the expectation of our professors and our peers in this academic family.
The Great Walls of China attest to the greatness of Chineses Civilization for well over five thousand years. I learnt in the elementary school that the Great Walls of China are one of the few landmarks that can be seen by astronauts from outer space. This Chinese greatness has reached or achieved new dimentions in this 21st century. Indeed, the statement that “the 21st century is the century of the Chinese” has gained so much currency that it has become a cliché nowadays. From her presence on the United Nations Security Council with veto powers, to her dominance of global trade as well as in many other global issues, the greatnessof the Chinese nation is here to stay and it promises to endure for many thousand years to come. It has thus become imperative for any person with the aim of playing a significant role in global affairs to have a deeper understanding of the Chinese people and their country, be it at the political , social or cultural level. China’s overwhelming impact on the global stage has also made it vital for everyone to understand the Chinese nation, her people ,her people’s language, hers people’s culture and many other facets of Chinese society.
It is my conviction that there is no better way to learn a people’s language and culture than by getting oneself immersed in the society that speaks that language and practices that culture. Therefore, in addition to the excellent tuition that we shall surely receive from Peking university, we the fresh students herein gathered are well positioned to learn the Chinese language as well as the culture of Chinese people from China’s very best academic institution. For example, I am a common law trained lawyer from Ghana in West Africa and I shall learn Chinese law from the most distinguished law school in China. My research on Peking university Law School was previously ranked at a position of between the 100th -150th Law School in the world. However, the same ranking system today tells us that Peking University Law School is now ranked as the 18th best law school in the whole world. My research has convinced me that Peking University is marching forward in all its disciplines and that the law subject is not the only area where there has been such a quantum leap forward. Peking university’s quantum leap assures me that we the fresh students herein gathered have just signed on as proud members of an academic family that is destined to reach the number 1 position in the ranking of the world universities in the foreseeable future. Who at all will not like to be part of this brilliant academic family with the additional blessing of learning the language and culture of the Chinese people and thus getting a deeper understanding of a major global player like China?
It is my expectation that my stay in this university for the duration of my course will be very much fulfilling as I expect to make lifelong friendships and become part of a network of the distinguished Peking University alumni. Peking University has a lot of opportunities and facilities for students to meet and interact in order for them build such friendship and to grow them. I believe that it is the dream of each of my fellow freshmen herein gathered to open up and tap into this unique network of distinguished academics.
Speaking for myself and on behalf of all my fellow fresh students, I once again crave your indulgence to thank all our Chinese hosts and members of this celebrated academic family and we look forward to a fulfilling academic year in this school,
Thank you!