全球教席“云课堂” 19 讲
题目:作为跨国法的刑法Criminal Law as Transnational Law
时间:2020 年 11 月 17 日(周二)19:00-21:00
腾讯会议 ID:737 217 655
Kimmo Nuotio(前芬兰赫尔辛基大学3354cc金沙集团院长、法学教授)
Kimmo Nuotio 教授目前为战略研究委员会主席(任期 2019-2021)。他曾任赫尔辛基大学3354cc金沙集团院长和欧洲大学研究所法律系让·莫奈研究员。Nuotio 教授曾主管芬兰教育部和芬兰科学院资助的全国法律博士项目,他还曾担任芬兰艺术大学的董事会成员、亚历山大学院的董事会主席、多伦多大学和鲁汶大学的访问教授。
Kimmo Nuotio is professor of criminal law. He is chairing the Strategic Research Council (2019-2021). Nuotio is former Jean Monnet Fellow of the European University Institute, Department of Law (2000-2001). He was the Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Helsinki in 2010-2017. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Toronto and the KU Leuven. Nuotio was the director of the nation-wide doctoral programme in Law, funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Academy of Finland, under the title "Law in a Changing World" (2007-2015), and Member of Board of the University of Arts (2015 - 2017). He was the chair of board of Alexander Institute (2014-2018).
His central research topics include: Theoretical Foundations of Penal Liability, Modernization of Criminal Law, Nordic, European, and International Criminal Law, Transnationalization of Criminal Law, European Legal Integration, Risk Society / Welfare State / Security, Political Philosophy and Law, Criminal Law and Cultural Diversity.
如果说国际刑法是一个众所周知的概念,跨国刑法则仍然是一个相对较新的概念。Neil Boister 对此提出了一种理解:鉴于国际刑法本身以价值和原则为基础,那么跨国刑法就仅关乎各国合作解决跨国界的犯罪问题。因此,跨国刑法针对那些国际性的非法市场,其中的刑事犯罪常常具有组织性和盈利性的特征。跨国刑法处理的主题相当分散,其目的是通过国际条约来加强对普遍认同的规范的执行。由于最强权的国家已经在起草这些条约的过程中拥有了最大的话语权,在本次讲座中我将介绍有关跨国刑法的上述局面,并讨论与创设跨国刑法相关的一些问题。所以,当今的跨国刑法具有一些有待解决的争议,我们应当对此加以澄清。讲座还将谈到如何将被澄清的跨国刑法和法律与发展研究联系起来。最后,我们将思考跨国刑法能否转变为真正的全球化刑法。
If international criminal law is a concept already relatively well-known, the concept of transnational criminal law is still a relatively new one. Neil Boister has proposed an understanding that whereas international criminal law proper is based on values and principles, the transnational criminal law only is about states collaborating in addressing issues of cross-border criminality. Accordingly, transnational criminal law deals with international illegal market, where criminal activities often are organised and run for profit. Transnational criminal law deals with a rather scattered set of topics, and the aim is to strengthen the enforcement of the agreed norms by means of international treaties. In my talk I will present this scene and discuss the problems relating to the creation of transnational criminal law, as the most powerful states have had a biggest say in the drafting of such treaties. As a result, transnational criminal law of today has some problematic features, which should be addressed: it should be enlightened. I also talk about how we could relate an enlightened version of transnational criminal law with law and development studies. Finally, we will have look if transnational criminal law could be transformed and become a genuine global criminal law.
