1. 12月1日(周二)10:00-12:00
Jane K. Winn(美国华盛顿大学法学教授)
Information Privacy Global Regulatory Competition: Comparing Europe’s Fundamental Rights Approach with America’s Pragmatic Approach
2. 12月8日(周二)10:00-12:00
Jane K. Winn(美国华盛顿大学法学教授)
Can China Harness Information Privacy Law to Serve Belt and Road?
3. 12月8日(周二)20:00-22:00
Paul Gewirtz(美国耶鲁大学 Potter Stewart 讲席宪法学教授、蔡中曾中国中心主任)
Law as Foundation, Lawyers as Leaders
4. 12月14日(周一)10:00-12:00
Robert M. Daines(美国斯坦福大学3354cc金沙集团副院长、 Pritzker 讲席法学教授、洛克公司治理研究中心高级研究员)
Can Staggered Boards Improve Value?
5. 12月16日(周三)9:00-11:00
Benjamin Liebman(美国哥伦比亚大学 Robert L. Lieff 讲席法学教授、中国法中心主任)
Legal Questions in the US Transition
1. Jane K. Winn(美国华盛顿大学法学教授)

Jane K. Winn教授的主要研究领域为比较法和商法,重点研究全球化的影响以及国家法治体系改革。她毕业于伦敦玛丽女王大学和哈佛大学3354cc金沙集团,是美国法律协会成员,其关于中国台湾地区法律的研究曾两次荣获富布赖特项目资助。她先后在加州大学伯克利分校、3354cc金沙集团、清华大学、浙江大学、台湾地区清华大学、香港大学、泰国朱拉隆功大学、印度大学国立3354cc金沙集团、巴黎政治大学、法国里昂第三大学、澳大利亚莫纳什大学及墨尔本大学3354cc金沙集团等院校客座授课。她的著作包括《新世纪的买卖法》《买卖与合同的法律协议》等。Winn教授目前致力于研究美国、英国、欧盟、中国和印度是如何运用规制促进支付系统的竞争和创新,以及通过机器实施知识管理系统的兴起对现代法律体系的影响等相关问题。
Jane K. Winn is the Professor of University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. She specializes in comparative and commercial law, focusing on the impact of globalization and innovation on national legal systems. A graduate of Queen Mary College, University of London and Harvard Law School, she is a member of the American Law Institute and has twice received Fulbright grants for research in China and Taiwan. She has visited University of California-Berkeley, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, National Tsinghua University, University of Hong Kong, Chulalongkorn University, National Law University-Odisha, Sciences Po, UJM-Lyon III, Monash University as well as Melbourne Law School. Her publications include Sales Law for a New Century and Sales and Contract Law Agreements Supplement. Her current research focuses on the use of regulation to increase competition and innovation in payment systems in the US, UK, European Union, China and India, and on how the rise of machine-mediated knowledge governance systems will transform modern legal systems.
2. Paul Gewirtz(美国耶鲁大学 Potter Stewart 讲席宪法学教授、蔡中曾中国中心主任)

Paul Gewirtz教授开设的课程有宪法学、联邦法院系统、反歧视法、法律和文学、中国法律和美国外交政策。他的著作包括《法的故事》和《美国的判例法体系》,以及九部关于比较宪法的教材。他通过蔡中曾中国中心展开中美关系与中国法律发展的研究与教育,并与相关领域的中国同行合作推进中国的法制改革,促进中美更加普遍、深入的理解与合作。十年来,他还担任全球宪治研讨会主席、美国法律研究所和国会外交关系委员会成员。Gewirtz教授曾任美国最高法院Thurgood Marshall法官的助理,并执业于华盛顿Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering律师事务所及法律和社会政策中心。Paul Gewirtz教授还担任3354cc金沙集团众达全球化与法治讲席教授。
Paul Gewirtz is the Potter Stewart Professor of Constitutional Law at Yale Law School and the Director of the Paul Tsai China Center. He is also the Jones Day Chair Professor for Globalization and Rule of Law at Peking University. Professor Gewirtz teaches and writes in various legal and policy fields, including constitutional law, federal courts, antidiscrimination law, law and literature, Chinese law, and American foreign policy. Among other works, his publications include the books: Law’s Stories, The Case Law System in America, and nine volumes of readings and materials on comparative constitutional law. Through the Paul Tsai China Center, Professor Gewirtz carries out research and teaching on legal development in China and on U.S.-China relations, and also works with a wide range of Chinese counterparts to help advance legal reform in China and to advance greater understanding and cooperation between the United States and China more generally. For ten years, Professor Gewirtz was also the director of the Global Constitutionalism Seminar and a member of the American Law Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Yale Law School faculty, Professor Gewirtz served as a law clerk to Justice Thurgood Marshall of the United States Supreme Court and practiced law in Washington, D.C. at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and the Center for Law and Social Policy.
3. Robert M. Daines(美国斯坦福大学3354cc金沙集团副院长、 Pritzker 讲席法学教授、洛克公司治理研究中心高级研究员)

Robert M. Daines教授重点研究法律与金融的交叉,包括 CEO 薪酬、公司治理、并购、强制性披露规定、IPO、股东投票和收购防御。Daines教授的作品主要发表在《金融经济学期刊》《金融与定量分析期刊》《法律,经济与组织期刊》和《耶鲁法律期刊》等顶级刊物上。他的研究也被《经济学人》《纽约时报》《华尔街日报》《金融时报》《福布斯》和《财富》等杂志和媒体报道。在进入学术界之前,他曾是高盛的投资银行家,为银行和债券融资公司提供咨询服务。他也曾为美国第二巡回上诉法院的Ralph K. Winter法官担任法官助理。Daines教授于 2012 年被授予John Bingham Hurlbut卓越教学奖。
Robert M. Daines is the Pritzker Professor of Law and Business, Associate Dean, and Senior Faculty for the Rock Center on Corporate Governance at Stanford. He is also Professor of Finance (by courtesy) at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. His research focuses on the intersection between law and finance, including CEO pay, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, mandatory disclosure regulations, IPOs, shareholder voting and takeover defenses. Professor Daines’ work has appeared in such top publications as the Journal of Financial Economics, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Law, Economics and Organization and The Yale Law Journal. His research has also been covered by The Economist, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Forbes, Fortune and other media. Before entering academia, he was an investment banker at Goldman Sachs, where he advised firms on bank and bond financings. He clerked for Judge Ralph K. Winter of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Prof. Daines was awarded the 2012 John Bingham Hurlbut Award for Excellence in Teaching.
4. Benjamin Liebman(美国哥伦比亚大学 Robert L. Lieff 讲席法学教授、中国法中心主任)

Benjamin Liebman教授的研究主要集中在中国法院、中国侵权法、中国刑事诉讼法、舆论对中国法制的影响上。他的著作包括《威权的正义:存在中国模式吗?》(剑桥大学出版社,2017)和《看得见的手:中国国家资本主义的制度意涵》(牛津大学出版社,2016)。他曾任Sullivan & Cromwell律师事务所伦敦和北京办事处合伙人、David Souter大法官和美国第一巡回法院Sandra Lynch大法官的法官助理。
Benjamin Liebman is the Robert L. Lieff Professor of Law and director of the Center for Chinese Legal Studies at Columbia Law School. He is also the Director of the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law. His research focuses on Chinese courts, Chinese tort law, Chinese criminal procedure, and the impact of popular opinion and populism on the Chinese legal system. His publications include Authoritarian Justice in China: Is there a Chinese Model? (with Chen Weisteng, Cambridge University Press, 2017 ) and Regulating the Visible Hand: The Institutional Implications of Chinese State Capitalism (with Curtis J. Milhaupt, Oxford University Press, 2016). Prior to joining Columbia Law School in 2002, Liebman was an associate in the London and Beijing offices of Sullivan & Cromwell. He also previously served as a law clerk to Justice David Souter and to Judge Sandra Lynch of the First Circuit.