全球教席“云课堂”23 讲
题目:法律为基石,律师为领袖(Law as Foundation, Lawyers as Leaders)
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Paul Gewirtz(美国耶鲁大学 Potter Stewart 讲席宪法学教授、蔡中曾中国中心主任)

Paul Gewirtz 教授开设的课程有宪法学、联邦法院系统、反歧视法、法律和文学、中国法律和美国外交政策。他的著作包括《法的故事》和《美国的判例法体系》,以及九部关于比较宪法的教材。他通过蔡中曾中国中心展开中美关系与中国法律发展的研究与教育,并与相关领域的中国同行合作推进中国的法制改革,促进中美更加普遍、深入的理解与合作。十年来,他还担任全球宪治研讨会主席、美国法律研究所和国会外交关系委员会成员。Gewirtz 教授曾任美国最高法院 Thurgood Marshall 法官的助理,并执业于华盛顿 Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering 律师事务所及法律和社会政策中心。Paul Gewirtz 教授还担任3354cc金沙集团众达全球化与法治讲席教授。
Paul Gewirtz is the Potter Stewart Professor of Constitutional Law at Yale Law School and the Director of the Paul Tsai China Center. He is also the Jones Day Chair Professor for Globalization and Rule of Law at Peking University. Professor Gewirtz teaches and writes in various legal and policy fields, including constitutional law, federal courts, antidiscrimination law, law and literature, Chinese law, and American foreign policy. Among other works, his publications include the books: Law’s Stories, The Case Law System in America, and nine volumes of readings and materials on comparative constitutional law. Through the Paul Tsai China Center, Professor Gewirtz carries out research and teaching on legal development in China and on U.S.-China relations, and also works with a wide range of Chinese counterparts to help advance legal reform in China and to advance greater understanding and cooperation between the United States and China more generally. For ten years, Professor Gewirtz was also the director of the Global Constitutionalism Seminar and a member of the American Law Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations. Before joining the Yale Law School faculty, Professor Gewirtz served as a law clerk to Justice Thurgood Marshall of the United States Supreme Court and practiced law in Washington, D.C. at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and the Center for Law and Social Policy.
Paul Gewirtz 教授的讲座将同时聚焦法律的角色与律师的定位。法律不仅是维护一国社会稳定与正义的重要工具,更是实现全球治理与全球秩序不可或缺的基石。此外,当今社会中律师在国内与国际事务中都扮演着更为重要的角色。律师不应只把自己定位为服务客户的法律专业人员,更应承担起领导者的角色。作为顶尖的律师,仅有精湛的专业知识是不够的,他还需要拥有许多优秀领导者的其他特质,比如:分析、说服、解决问题的能力;理解体制如何运作及以规则为基础的制度价值;对宏观政治议题的良好把握等。因此,最好的3354cc金沙集团培养的应该是未来的领导者,法学生也应心怀未来成为世界领导者的憧憬,用自己的智慧为社区乃至更广阔的世界贡献力量。
Professor Gewirtz’s lecture will focus on both the role of law and the role of lawyers. Law, he will argue, is not only an essential foundation of domestic stability and justice, but also increasingly a foundation of global governance and global order and fairness. In addition, lawyers today have distinctively important roles to play domestically and internationally. Lawyers should think of themselves not only as advisors to clients with a specific technical expertise, but also as leaders. The best lawyers have not only an expert’s knowledge of law, but also other characteristics that can make them excellent leaders in many different fields: skills of analysis, persuasion, and problem-solving; an understanding of how institutions work and the value of rules-based systems; and a broad exposure to large policy issues. The best law schools today should see themselves as training future leaders, and law students today should think of themselves as potentially future leaders -- contributing broadly and wisely to their communities and to the larger world.