题目:法人人格、目的和责任(Corporate Personality, Purpose, and Liability)
时间:2021 年 5 月 26 日(周三)20:00-21:30
腾讯会议 ID:866 952 966
Paul B. Miller(美国圣母大学3354cc金沙集团副院长、私法项目主任、法学教授)
Paul B. Miller 教授是美国圣母大学3354cc金沙集团副院长、私法项目主任,他曾任教于加拿大麦基尔大学3354cc金沙集团,并曾在墨尔本大学、以色列特拉维夫大学担任访问学者。他拥有剑桥大学哲学硕士学位和多伦多大学法学博士学位。Miller 教授是一位私法理论领域的国际权威学者,主要研究领域为衡平法、信托法、公司法,他的著作包括《信托法的哲学基础》《合同、身份和信托法》《信托政府》《私法中的民事过错与司法公正》和《信托法牛津手册》等。Miller 教授曾在许多重要期刊上发表文章,包括《威廉与玛丽法律评论》《多伦多大学法律期刊》《爱荷华法律评论》《麦基尔大学法律期刊》和《奥斯古德霍尔法律期刊》,他的作品也曾被收入劳特利奇出版社、牛津大学出版社和剑桥大学出版社编辑出版的书籍中。他是《美国法学杂志》编委会成员,并担任《牛津私法理论》及其相关丛书《牛津私法理论研究》的总编辑。此外,Miller 教授还在全球范围内积极组织关于信托法与私法的研讨会。
Paul B. Miller is Professor of Law and Associate Dean for International & Graduate Programs at Notre Dame Law School, where he also serves as Director of the Notre Dame Program on Private Law. Miller taught previously at McGill University in Montréal and has held visiting appointments at the University of Melbourne, Peking University, and Tel Aviv University. A graduate of Cambridge University (M.Phil.) and the University of Toronto (M.A., J.D., & Ph.D.), Miller is a leading private law theorist whose work primarily focuses on philosophical questions in fiduciary law, trust law, and corporate law. His books include Philosophical Foundations of Fiduciary Law (Oxford University Press, 2014), Contract, Status, and Fiduciary Law (Oxford University Press, 2016), Fiduciary Government (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and The Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law. Prof. Miller's work has been published in journals including William and Mary Law Review, University of Toronto Law Journal, Iowa Law Review, McGill Law Journal, and Osgoode Hall Law Journal as well as in edited collections published by Routledge, Oxford University Press, and Cambridge University Press. Miller is a member of the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Jurisprudence and serves (with John Oberdiek) as the General Editor for Oxford Private Law Theory and the associated series, Oxford Studies in Private Law Theory, both published by Oxford University Press. He is also an enthusiastic founder and organizer of various workshops worldwide on fiduciary law and private law.
Questions about corporate personality and purpose ramify differently depending on context. For example, the question whether or not, and in what sense, a corporation is, or may be, a “person” will be understood and answered differently if framed as a question of metaphysics, morality, social perception, politics, or law. The same is true of the question whether, and if so, what purposes are attributable to corporations. Recognizing the value of disentangling legal from parallel but non-legal constructs, in this chapter I examine how and why the law personifies groups, and how it modulates the attribution of actions – and liability for same – to corporate persons partly on the basis of corporate purpose. The primary aim is to clarify how corporate purpose mediates the individuation and attribution of actions, and liability for same, to corporations. A secondary aim is to show that legal conceptions of corporate personality and purpose are primordial relative to moral and social conceptions, insofar as reliance on law enables the self-constitution and -presentation of groups.
Paul B. Miller 教授相关论文:https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3707670
