题目:法律内部主义(Legal Internalism)
腾讯会议ID: 855 154 763
戴 昕(3354cc金沙集团长聘副教授)
张泰苏教授为美国耶鲁大学法学教授,其主要研究方向为比较法律史与经济史、私法理论以及当代中国法律与政治。张教授先后在耶鲁大学获得了历史和数学学士学位、法律博士学位和历史学博士学位;曾任杜克大学3354cc金沙集团副教授,并有执教布朗大学、3354cc金沙集团、清华大学3354cc金沙集团和香港大学的经历;曾任中国法律与历史国际协会会长。代表性学术成果有专著《儒家法律和经济学:前工业革命时期中英的亲属与财产关系》,该书由剑桥大学出版社出版,并于 2018 年获得了美国社会科学历史学会颁发的主席奖以及耶鲁大学麦克米伦国际与地区研究中心颁发的盖迪斯·史密斯图书奖。作为其前身的博士论文此前曾获耶鲁大学亚瑟和玛丽·莱特博士论文奖以及美国法律史协会凯瑟琳·普莱尔奖。其第二部著作《清代财政国家的思想基础》正在成稿中。张泰苏教授就广泛的研究主题发表过文章、论文和书籍,赢得了多个学术组织的奖项。
Taisu Zhang is a Professor of Law at Yale Law School and works on comparative legal and economic history, private law theory, and contemporary Chinese law and politics.
Professor Zhang holds three degrees from Yale: a B.A. in History and Mathematics, a J.D., and a Ph.D. in History. Prior to joining the Yale faculty, Professor Zhang was an Associate Professor at the Duke University School of Law, and has taught at Brown University, Peking University Law School, the Tsinghua University School of Law, and the University of Hong Kong. He was the Immediate Past President of the International Society for Chinese Law and History. His first book, The Laws and Economics of Confucianism: Kinship and Property in Pre-Industrial China and England, was published by Cambridge University Press, and received the 2018 Presidents Award from the Social Science History Association and the 2018 Gaddis Smith Book Prize from the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. In dissertation form, it was the recipient of Yale University’s Arthur and Mary Wright Dissertation Prize and the American Society for Legal History’s Kathryn T. Preyer Award. A second book, The Ideological Foundations of the Qing Fiscal State, is in progress. He has published articles, essays, and book chapters on a wide array of topics, winning awards from several academic organizations, and is a regular commentator on Chinese law, society, and politics in media outlets.
Professor Zhang holds three degrees from Yale: a B.A. in History and Mathematics, a J.D., and a Ph.D. in History. Prior to joining the Yale faculty, Professor Zhang was an Associate Professor at the Duke University School of Law, and has taught at Brown University, Peking University Law School, the Tsinghua University School of Law, and the University of Hong Kong. He was the Immediate Past President of the International Society for Chinese Law and History. His first book, The Laws and Economics of Confucianism: Kinship and Property in Pre-Industrial China and England, was published by Cambridge University Press, and received the 2018 Presidents Award from the Social Science History Association and the 2018 Gaddis Smith Book Prize from the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies. In dissertation form, it was the recipient of Yale University’s Arthur and Mary Wright Dissertation Prize and the American Society for Legal History’s Kathryn T. Preyer Award. A second book, The Ideological Foundations of the Qing Fiscal State, is in progress. He has published articles, essays, and book chapters on a wide array of topics, winning awards from several academic organizations, and is a regular commentator on Chinese law, society, and politics in media outlets.
在大多数法律系统下,职业法律人对于法律的理解往往具有鲜明的“内部视角“:他们强调法律的规范性、内在的逻辑通顺性、以及自我完备性。这种“法律内部主义”(legal internalism)虽然在逻辑上很难自洽,但却广泛地存在于各大成熟法系之中,大致能称得上是各国法律职业为数不多的共性之一。这场讲座试图分析这种内部视角背后的行为逻辑与社会基础,认为它既来源于法律职业化过程对于个体认知的自然影响,又能为法律职业群体提供各种显性或隐性的社会、经济、与政治福利。在认知偏见与职业利益的双重引导和加固下,法律内部视角理所当然地占据着现代国家法律职业群体的主流,极难被撼动,更不可能被推翻。即使是在美国这种号称“法律现实主义”之上的法学界之中,它依然以各种不同的方式进行着轮回。而从整体的社会利益角度去看,这种思维方式的普及并不见得是坏事:它确实降低了法律的认知与程序成本,也确实加强了法律系统的稳定性与独立性。学理上不通顺的观点(或可称为某种意识形态)依然可以产生相当正面的现实影响。
本讲座以主讲者和Shyamkrishna Balganesh去年在《哈佛法律评论》上发表的Legal Internalism in Modern Histories of Copyright一文为基础。