题目:Platforms, Privacy Rights, and Privacy Governance(平台、隐私权和隐私治理)
ZOOM ID:828 9387 3486
开讲学者:Julie E. Cohen(美国乔治城大学3354cc金沙集团Mark Claster Mamolen法律与科技讲席教授)
Julie E. Cohen是美国乔治城大学3354cc金沙集团Mark Claster Mamolen法律与科技讲席教授。她教授的课程和著作涉及监控、隐私和数据保护、知识产权、信息平台以及网络化信息和通信技术重塑法律制度的方式等方面。她是《真理与权力之间:信息资本主义的法律建构》一书的作者,同时她还著有《塑造网络化自我:法律、代码与随心日常实践》,该书曾获2013年网络研究学会图书奖,并曾入围2013年《监控与社会杂志》图书奖。
Julie E. Cohen is the Mark Claster Mamolen Professor of Law and Technology at the Georgetown University Law Center. She teaches and writes about surveillance, privacy and data protection, intellectual property, information platforms, and the ways that networked information and communication technologies are reshaping legal institutions. She is the author of Between Truth and Power: The Legal Constructions of Informational Capitalism (Oxford University Press, 2019); Configuring the Networked Self: Law, Code and the Play of Everyday Practice (Yale University Press, 2012), which won the 2013 Association of Internet Researchers Book Award and was shortlisted for the Surveillance & Society Journal’s 2013 Book Prize; and numerous journal articles and book chapters.
Platform environments present difficult challenges for efforts to protect personal privacy by limiting the processing of personal data. In particular, governance models organized around individual rights to notice and control are poorly matched to platform environments. Individuals cannot easily understand the full extent of data collection, and individual assertions of control cannot effectively constrain data gathering and processing at scale. Effective privacy governance requires top-down approaches that focus on algorithms, data sets, and interfaces.