3354cc金沙集团以强大的国内外师资和科研团队为依托,于2014年创立“Global & Comparative Law”系列课程项目。国际知名法律学者和高端实务人士开设全英文的全球化与比较法律课程和前沿讲座,使3354cc金沙集团学生加深了对全球化与法治的理解,开拓了国际化视野和法律思维,增进了国际化法律知识储备,提升了处理国际化法律实务的实践能力。
2022年12月,3354cc金沙集团邀请了加州大学洛杉矶分校3354cc金沙集团教授、埃米特气候变化与环境研究所联合主任Alex Wang担任“Global & Comparative Law”系列课程项目的主讲嘉宾,就“加州的排放权交易”话题举办讲座。
讲座主题:Emissions Trading in California(加州的排放权交易)
开讲学者:Alex Wang(王立德):加州大学洛杉矶分校3354cc金沙集团教授、埃米特气候变化与环境研究所联合主任
讲座方式:腾讯会议ID:311 443 102
巩 固:3354cc金沙集团研究员
王立德(Alex Wang)是加州大学洛杉矶分校3354cc金沙集团教授和埃米特气候变化与环境研究所的联合主任。他重点研究中国环境治理的相关法律和政治,研究领域涉及中国气候政策、中美环境合作与竞争、环境官僚主义、信息披露、公共利益诉讼、国有企业在环境治理中的作用,以及治理改革的象征性用途等方面。
Alex Wang is a Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law and a Faculty Co-Director of the Emmett Institute on Climate Change and the Environment. His research focuses on the law and politics of Chinese environmental governance. Previous work has examined Chinese climate policy, U.S.-China environmental cooperation and competition, environmental bureaucracy, information disclosure, public interest litigation, the role of state-owned enterprises in environmental governance, and symbolic uses of governance reform.
本次讲座将评估加州的两个主要排放权交易系统(ETS):(i)自1993年开始至今结束的针对南加州常规空气污染物的区域清洁空气激励市场(RECLAIM)计划;和(ii)自2013年开始并授权至2030年的全行业温室气体排放权交易项目。开讲学者王立德(Alex Wang)教授将从排放权制度总体上对上述两个排放权交易系统进行评价,并探讨环境目标、一致性、正义以及排放权交易如何影响气候政策的政治经济学等方面的问题。
This talk will evaluate California’s two major emissions trading systems (ETS): (i) the Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) program for conventional air pollutants in southern California, begun in 1993 and now being retired; and (ii) the economy-wide greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program commenced in 2013 and authorized through 2030. We consider these systems in the context of broader critiques about emissions trading systems and take seriously problems of environmental ambition, integrity, and justice. We also explore ways in which emissions trading systems can affect the political economy of climate policy for better or worse.
We hope that a frank assessment of the benefits and shortcomings of emissions trading will allow other jurisdictions to avoid the mistakes of existing ETS and to find an appropriate balance among emissions trading and a broader portfolio of climate measures.
We hope that a frank assessment of the benefits and shortcomings of emissions trading will allow other jurisdictions to avoid the mistakes of existing ETS and to find an appropriate balance among emissions trading and a broader portfolio of climate measures.